Découvrez les 10 projets sélectionnés au Carrefour des Possibles Afrique, édition 2012

Le “Carrefour des Possibles” (CDP) est une initiative de la FING (Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération, une association française); le CDP a pour objectif de détecter des innovateurs développant des produits TIC et de “favoriser une culture partagée de l’innovation technologique placée au service des usages et du social”.

Depuis au moins 2010, une déclinaison de cette initiative, baptisée “Carrefour des Possibles Afrique

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Mobile services strengthening agricultural value chains for smallholder farmers in ACP countries

Article by a journalist on a session I moderated during the international conference Making the Connection: value chain for transforming stakeholder agriculture, organized mainly by the Technical Center for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA). The theme of the session was on mobile phones and agriculture value chains. The conference was organized in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 05 to 09 November 2012. KL


Mobile services strengthening agricultural

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Blogging to enhance agriculture: results and findings of the Youth in Agriculture Blog Competition

(Paper presented at the IAALD Chapter Conference 2012, Johannesburg, South Africa, 21-23 May 2012)


Strengthening the involvement of youth in agriculture and addressing the challenges they face in embracing agricultural professional activities are pressing issues that determine the prosperity of that sector in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) regions (CTA, 2011). The new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can also play a pivotal role in that context (SPC-PAFPNet,

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“ICT in Agriculture e-Sourcebook” by the Word Bank and InfoDev

CTA, the organization in which I work, reviewed 2 modules of this publication (Module 3: Anywhere, Anytime – Mobile Devices and Their Impact on Agriculture and Rural Development and Module 13: Strengthening Rural Governance, Institutions, and Citizen Participation Through ICT) – I reviewed Module 13.  I warmly recommend this free online publication to all people interested in ICT and agriculture. It’s a very good reference document, fully documented and referenced.  (KL)

ICT in Agriculture” e-Sourcebook 

Connecting Smallholders to Knowledge, Networks,

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