A national e-agriculture (or digital agriculture) strategy promotes the emergence of a common understanding of issues related to the adoption of digital technology for agrifood systems performance, and favours the deployment in synergy of transformational actions. The design of these policy documents has accelerated in recent years in Africa. First attempts started in the mid-2000s generally with the insertion of a chapter relating to agriculture in digital development strategies. Since the 2010s, the movement has accelerated with the development of
…Tag: agriculture
Auteurs: Ken Lohento et Motunrayo Sotannde (Rapport de fin de MBA, Strathclyde Business School, UK, 2019)
Cette étude phénoménologique interprétative porte sur de jeunes entrepreneurs fondateurs de start-up proposant des services numériques aux acteurs du secteur agroalimentaire en Afrique de l’Ouest. Ils sont dans la tranche d’âge définissant la jeunesse selon la définition de l’Union africaine (15 – 35 ans). Nous avons mené cette étude pour comprendre les modèles d’affaires adoptés par les start-up, déterminer comment leur modèle d’affaires et les
…(Published in the ICT Update magazine of CTA)
CTA has been operating the AgriHack Talent initiative since September 2013 when its first ‘hackathon’ for agriculture was organised. Ensibuuko, a youth-led company from Uganda (they now offer digitally-supported financial management services to around 200,000 farmers), won the first prize. Since then, AgriHack has developed into a renowned programme which has supported more than 1,500 young entrepreneurs offering advisory, market linkage, financial and supply chain management services
…Interested in agech in West Africa? Discover details about business and policy issues young digital agriculture start-ups are facing, their key success drivers and how they are trying to achieve success in this new CTA publication.
The publication is an abridged version of a report that I co-authored with a colleague that CTA published.
It is an interpretative phenomenological research that focuses on youth-led companies offering digital services to the agro-food sector in West Africa. Youth is considered as