New report: Digital agriculture in FAO projects in sub-Saharan Africa


A new baby… (as a friend of mine would have put). Very excited to share this new digital agriculture report of FAO that I have co-written with Wageningen University & Research, Tomaso Ceccarelli Inder Kumar Christina Cappello, in collaboration with my colleagues Massimo Pera and Jean-Baptiste Bahama, and the support of others such as Anthony Renner-Micah (PMP), Sander Janssen, Stuart Tippins, Zoie Jones (Ken L)

“The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is spearheading efforts to

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Mapping digital agriculture strategies in Africa

A national e-agriculture (or digital agriculture) strategy promotes the emergence of a common understanding of issues related to the adoption of digital technology for agrifood systems performance, and favours the deployment in synergy of transformational actions. The design of these policy documents has accelerated in recent years in Africa. First attempts started in the mid-2000s generally with the insertion of a chapter relating to agriculture in digital development strategies. Since the 2010s, the movement has accelerated with the development of

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Agri-Tech Expert Ken Lohento shares secrets of success with Fellows

Summary of an exchange with the African Food Fellowship (article written by the program).

Ken Lohento is an award-winning global food systems leader known for his work with Pitch AgriHack, digital villages and enabling youth livelihoods. He has more than 20 years of experience designing and managing national and international programmes related to digitalisation for food security, socio-economic development, and youth in agriculture. In this inspiration Session with Kenyan Fellows, he talks about the importance of

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ICT uses by rural youth in Kenya: perspectives from the Vijabiz project

This study was produced in the framework of activities of the Vijabiz project implemented by CTA and Ustadi Foundation in Kenya. It aimed at establishing rural youth groups’ access and use of different ICT and social media in their agribusiness activities. The study also sought to assess the gaps and barriers affecting the use of ICTs by rural youth in Kenya and provide recommendations. ICTs are considered as any digital technology that facilitates access to, processing

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