Results of the CTA Contest “Telecentres, bridges to rural development in the Caribbean”

This is the result of an activity in which I was involved – KL



CTA Contest “Telecentres, bridges to rural development in the Caribbean”

The telecenter competition was launched in two categories:

Category 1 “Initiatives in operation” targeted outstanding services already implemented and

Category 2 “Innovative Projects”, targeted small innovative project ideas that will receive small grants for their implementation.

In each case, services have been classified in two sub-categories: “agricultural services” and “non-agricultural services”. 18 submissions were received: Jamaica (5), St Kitts and Nevis (1), Dominican Republic (11), and Haïti (1).

One prize will be awarded for the first category (out of 4 entries received) and 3 prizes will be awarded for the second category (out of the 14 entries). The four winners selected will receive each, regardless of the category, a cash prize of five thousand Euros (5,000). This support aims to contribute to the strengthening or establishment of the telecenter service. The winners are:

– For Category 1 “Initiatives in operation”, the telecentre of the Jeffrey Town’s Farmers Association, Jamaica –

– For Category 2: “Innovative projects”:

  • The Community Technological Centre (CTC) of Juan Santiago, Dominican Republic;
  • The Community  Technological Centre (CTC)  of Juan de Herrera, Dominican Republic;
  • The Centre for Rural Alternatives of El Limon (CAREL), Dominican Republic.

More information on the contest and the results, check this link or write to

(Information published by CTA)

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